The 124rd annual convention of the Minnesota Music Teachers Association (MMTA) will be held Sunday, June 11th-Tuesday, June 13th at the Hilton-Minneapolis/St Paul Airport.
The Keynote Speaker is scheduled to be Dr. Leah Claiborne.
The convention committee is already hard at work making plans for the 2023 MMTA Convention. We are looking forward to gathering in-person; we hope you are as well. One of the first things we do as a committee is ask the membership to submit proposals for presenters and workshops that you would like to see be part of the convention. If you, or if you know someone, who has a topic or area of expertise that you feel would be beneficial to our membership, please consider submitting a proposal.
Proposal submissions are due no later than December 15th. The selection committee will meet in January at which time submissions will be reviewed and chosen to be a part of the convention.
MTNA National Conference
March 25-29, 2023
Reno, NV
For more information see: MTNA Convention